Voter Registration Pandemic Style
Dublin Core
Voter Registration Pandemic Style
At 15 you get your permit; 16 you get your license at 21 you can drink legally, but in-between leaning how to drive and having a beer at a Brewers game there is another important milestone that was affected for many by the pandemic, registering to vote. This may not seem like too much of a big deal, but as the world of politics has become more visible through the expansion of social media and the fact that politics have become so polarizing over the last decade it is an important step not to be missed. Exercising this right can also be particularly important to those who have family members that served in the military because that is a reason some chose to sign that contract to protect the rights within a Democratic nation. The pandemic has made this seeming mundane task even more meaningful and important and as you can see from her smile this firs time voter is proud to share her coveted “I Voted” Sticker. As a parent it was important to Jess to make sure her daughter had the experience and was registered and ready for the years of voting in her future.
Elizabeth M. Loomer
Voter Registration Pandemic Style, Elizabeth M. Loomer