Browse Items (4 total)

Downer Marquee


Downer Marquee, Grace Robinson, 2020

A photo of the marquee for the Downer Theatre. Taken while out to run quick errands.

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Downer Theater Dark Due to COVID-19


Downer Theater Dark Due to COVID-19, Carolyn Eichner, 2020

Our local art house theater, closed due to the virus.

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Stay Safe MKE

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Stay Safe MKE, Christopher D. Cantwell, 2020

The Oriental Theatre's sign on Milwaukee's East Side after the Governor's proclamation closed theaters, restaurants, and bars.

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Rosebud Cinema, March 18.


Rosebud Cinema, March 18., Robert S. Jones, 2020

Took this the morning of March 18. The marquee caught my attention. North Avenue is usually packed this time of day with work commuters but I was…

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