Browse Items (5 total)

David Zeh, Audio of the Oral History conducted with the alternative rock band Diet Lite

David Zeh, Audio of the Oral History conducted with the alternative rock band Diet Lite, May 4, 2021

This audio contains profane language. This is an oral history I had conducted with the members of Diet Lite, an alternative rock band that is based in…

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Kent Nuttycombe, Coronarock

Kent Nuttycombe, Coronarock, March 17-19, 2020

My 10 year old son and myself wrote and recorded a song about living in these times of social isolation. We recorded it on my computer at home, in the…

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Long Lines on Election Day and Possible Increase in COVID-19 Cases

Long Lines on Election Day and Possible Increase in COVID-19 Cases,, May 20, 2020

In this snippet from Wisconsin Public News, the newscaster discusses the possibility that the long lines on election day in Milwaukee led to an…

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Meagan Schultz, Makeshift Podcast

Meagan Schultz, Makeshift Podcast, March 26, 2020

So. Much. Noise. It’s almost paralyzing, the noise right now. So loud. So many voices. And at the same time, it’s so quiet. I woke this morning to the…

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Ifedayo Kehinde, Oral History Interview with Albert A Kabura

Ifedayo Kehinde, Oral History Interview with Albert A Kabura, Ifedayo Kehinde, May 3, 2021

The initiative by oral historians to document our COVID 19 experiences in the past year is ingenious and sacrosanct. The COVID MKE archive, when fully…

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