Audio of the Oral History conducted with the alternative rock band Diet Lite

Dublin Core


Audio of the Oral History conducted with the alternative rock band Diet Lite


This audio contains profane language. This is an oral history I had conducted with the members of Diet Lite, an alternative rock band that is based in Milwaukee. The purpose of this interview was to explore what being a musician was like during the pandemic. During the interview, I asked the band to describe what they had to do in order to stay relevant to the public since they obviously couldn't book any live performance. The band then went into detail on how the pandemic actually made them better musicians since there was more time to practice. They also stated that the pandemic made them more creative in terms of advertising their band. The other items in my collection will highlight some of the things Diet Lite did to promote the band throughout the pandemic.


David Zeh


May 4, 2021


Evan Marsalli, Kelson Kuzdas, Max Niemann



David Zeh, Audio of the Oral History conducted with the alternative rock band Diet Lite, May 4, 2021