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UWM, Alexis Ingebretsen, UWM Notification of CARES Act

Screenshot of email from UWM regarding financial aid through federal CARES Act

UWM, Alexis Ingebretsen, UWM Notification of CARES Act, Spring 2020

An email from University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee sent to students regarding applying for student financial aid through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and…

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Masks and An Italian Opera, the UWM Opera Theater and Symphony Orchestra Triumph with "Le Nozze di Figaro"

Fyler for the UWM Opera Theater's performance of the "Le Nozze di Figaro,"

Masks and An Italian Opera, the UWM Opera Theater and Symphony Orchestra Triumph with "Le Nozze di Figaro", UWM Peck School of the Arts, April, 2021

On April 9th and 10th, 2021, the students in the UWM Opera and Orchestra Symphony performed "Le Nozze di Figaro," a comedic opera originally composed…

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UWM Chancellor, Mark Mone, UWM's Extended Spring Break


UWM Chancellor, Mark Mone, UWM's Extended Spring Break, March 10, 2020

March 10, UWM was sent an all campus email that spring break would be extended an extra week to prepare for classes transitioning online.

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UWM, UWM On-site Employee Cleaning Expectations

Screenshot of on-site employee cleaning expectations

UWM, UWM On-site Employee Cleaning Expectations, September 17, 2020

An email was sent to all UWM employees from University Relations & Communications on September 17, 2020 titled “COVID-19 Update: UWM Employee Case…

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UWM, Frequently Asked Questions Regarding UWM Facility Cleaning

Website listing answers to frequently asked questions regarding campus cleaning

UWM, Frequently Asked Questions Regarding UWM Facility Cleaning, November 11, 2020

An email was sent to all UWM employees from University Relations & Communications on November 11, 2020 providing a “COVID-19 Update.” Towards the end…

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Urban Milwaukee, Healthcare Leaders, Urban Milwaukee OpEd, "Please Help Us Keep Caregivers Safe"


Urban Milwaukee, Healthcare Leaders, Urban Milwaukee OpEd, "Please Help Us Keep Caregivers Safe", April 19, 2020

Urban Milwaukee shared this Op Ed written by Milwaukee Healthcare providers on their Facebook page. The image with the Op Ed is a mural by Artist…

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Urban Milwaukee, Until Next Year, Wisconsin State Fair


Urban Milwaukee, Until Next Year, Wisconsin State Fair, May 28, 2020

Urban Milwaukee published an article discussing the decision to cancel the Wisconsin State Fair due to the ongoing risks of the coronavirus. The fair…

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Urban Milwaukee, Inmate Disscusses Prison Life During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Screen Shot 2020-07-05 at 4.25.45 PM.png

Urban Milwaukee, Inmate Disscusses Prison Life During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Urban Milwaukee, May 14, 2020

This post shows the perspective of inmates in Felmers O. Chaney Correctional Center. It explains the day to day experience of inmates in this…

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Unknown, WI Vaccine Tracker

WI Vaccine tracker 3-2-21.pdf

Unknown, WI Vaccine Tracker, March 2, 2021

This infographic tracks the progress of the vaccine rollout in the state of Wisconsin. Showing the percentage of the population with at least one…

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University Wisconsin-Milwaukee, UW-Milwaukee Donation to the Milwaukee County Unified Emergency Operations Center


University Wisconsin-Milwaukee, UW-Milwaukee Donation to the Milwaukee County Unified Emergency Operations Center, April 2, 2020

The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee faculty, staff, and community members donated personal protective equipment to the Milwaukee County Unified…

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