Frequently Asked Questions Regarding UWM Facility Cleaning

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding UWM Facility Cleaning


An email was sent to all UWM employees from University Relations & Communications on November 11, 2020 providing a “COVID-19 Update.” Towards the end of the email a link was provided titled “Enhanced cleaning measures.” The link takes the user to the accompanying document. Interestingly, the page title in the browser tab is “Cleaning Archives – UWM COVID-19 Information.” This document provides answers to a list of frequently asked questions. The questions range from frequency of classroom cleaning to office cleaning to a faculty person’s ability to obtain cleaning supplies from UWM. Each question has a brief answer and the ability for a user to advance to a more through answer on a different webpage. Additionally, each question has a list of tagged topics allowing for continued research around COVID-19 questions. For example, the question “How are offices cleaned?” can link a user to “Campus Facilities”, “Classrooms and Offices”, “Cleaning”, “Employees”, and “On-Site Employees”, all of which, when clicked on, will take the user to additional frequently asked questions page related to that specific topic.




November 11, 2020


Larry Kilmer




Website listing answers to frequently asked questions regarding campus cleaning


UWM, Frequently Asked Questions Regarding UWM Facility Cleaning, November 11, 2020