Browse Items (13 total)

UWM, Frequently Asked Questions Regarding UWM Facility Cleaning

Website listing answers to frequently asked questions regarding campus cleaning

UWM, Frequently Asked Questions Regarding UWM Facility Cleaning, November 11, 2020

An email was sent to all UWM employees from University Relations & Communications on November 11, 2020 providing a “COVID-19 Update.” Towards the end…

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UWM, UWM On-site Employee Cleaning Expectations

Screenshot of on-site employee cleaning expectations

UWM, UWM On-site Employee Cleaning Expectations, September 17, 2020

An email was sent to all UWM employees from University Relations & Communications on September 17, 2020 titled “COVID-19 Update: UWM Employee Case…

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UWM, Alexis Ingebretsen, Early March 2020: University Housing - Housing Will Stay Open

Screenshot of email from UWM Housing regarding Housing Staying Open in March of 2020

UWM, Alexis Ingebretsen, Early March 2020: University Housing - Housing Will Stay Open, March 2020

Email from University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Housing stating that housing was not closing. Spring break was being extended an extra week with remote…

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