Olivia Hoff, GatoCity Properties, Letter to Tenants, March 30, 2020
GatoCity Properties sent out this letter as an email to all of their tenants. This letter discusses GatoCity's health and safety practices at their…
Tags: Apartment Tenants, Document, East Side Neighborhood, Rent, Social Distance, Stay at Home, Working from Home
Olivia Hoff, Overpass Light Brigade, "Supreme Injustice", April 6, 2020
The Overpass Light Brigade posted this photo to Instagram with illuminated words "Supreme Injustice." In the caption of the photo, the organizers…
Tags: April 7 Primary Election, Municipal Government, Overpass Light Brigade, Politics, Sign, Social Distance, Social Media
"Thank You" Card to Health Care Workers, Olivia Hoff, 2020
Pictured is a "Thank You" card to healthcare workers. My mom and I decided that we wanted to thank our friends and family in the healthcare field…
Tags: Art, Drawing, East Side Neighborhood, Froedtert Hospital, Healthcare, Nurse, Photograph, Technology, Thank You
Homemade Mask, Olivia Hoff, 2020
I made this mask at home with a bandanna and two hair ties. I am not talented with a needle and thread, so I thought a homemade mask was not for me.…
Tags: East Side Neighborhood, Face Mask, Grocery Store, Health & Wellness, Photograph, Stay at Home
Children's Wisconsin, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, #HealthCareHeroes, April 2, 2020
The Children's Hospital of Wisconsin shared a photo of their health care staff holding a sign that says, "We Stay Here for You, Please Stay Home for…
Tags: Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, Essential Workers, Health & Wellness, Healthcare, Nurse, Public Health & Hospitals, Sign, Stay at Home, Wauwatosa WI
Jon Lovett, Face Masks, April 13, 2020
Jon Lovett is one of the founders of a company called Crooked Media. While this company focuses primarily on podcast about politics they also have an…
Tags: Face Mask, Healthcare, Politics, Racine WI, Tweet
University Wisconsin-Milwaukee, UW-Milwaukee Donation to the Milwaukee County Unified Emergency Operations Center, April 2, 2020
The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee faculty, staff, and community members donated personal protective equipment to the Milwaukee County Unified…
Tags: Donations, Essential Workers, Face Mask, Healthcare, Personal Protective Equipment, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Froedtert Hospital, Froedtert Guidelines for Mask Donations, March 25, 2020
Froedtert Hospital is now accepting donations of handmade masks. They have provided a link through their twitter account for the guidelines for the…
Tags: Donations, Face Mask, Froedtert Hospital, Healthcare, Personal Protective Equipment, Public Health & Hospitals, Wauwatosa WI
Froedtert and the Medical College of Wisconsin, Froedtert and Medical College of Wisconsin, COVID-19 Patients Return Home, April 14, 2020
Froedtert Hospital and Medical College of Wisconsin updated their Facebook followers with the happy news of 42 COVID-19 patients returning to their…
Tags: Celebration, COVID-19 Patients, Essential Workers, Froedtert Hospital, Healthcare, Public Health & Hospitals, Wauwatosa WI
Kimberly Gibson, Racine Community Parade for Healthcare Workers, April 3, 2020
As way to show thanks to the healthcare workers in Racine, the community drove to the Ascension Hospital and created a parade of sorts.
Tags: Ascension All Saints Hospital, Gathering, Healthcare, Public Health & Hospitals, Racine WI, Thank You, Unity
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