Browse Exhibits (22 total)

Together Apart: Social Media and COVID-19

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Social media is used to spread news, express feelings, interact with each other, and escape reality. During the COVID-19 pandemic, social media also became a space where people came together while being physically apart. This exhibit explores some of the ways Milwaukeeans have taken to social media to share information and express their feelings on COVID-19. This exhibit features posts divided into six themes that the community archive has collected thus far.

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Votes and Viruses

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This exhibit details Milwaukee's experience during April 7, 2020, election. Held in the midst of the pandemic, the election was for both the presidential primary and several state and local offices--the most important of which was a state supreme court seat. I conduct an oral history with Lee Wagner, a poll worker for the election as well as Patricia McKnight, the UWM student who took the iconic photo that so aptly captured the spirit of that day.  This exhibit chronicles the events that led up to election day and what the results were.   

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