
Infant PPE


The conditions of COVID-19 have created mentally and physically stressful environments for a large portion of the world. The African American community in Milwaukee, which has been hit very hard by the coronavirus, has had to find ways to maintain good health. Under current conditions, this task can be daunting. Yet, networks of community members have created plans for self-care maintenance. Physically, members have been exercising in their homes. Some have also utilized social media to promote or encourage others to be active during these times with creative ways to get exercise around their homes. The isolation required in order to secure a reduction on transferring COVID-19 has stressed some mentally. Personal plans of mental health maintenance are very important. As we are waiting to learn more about COVID-19, and as we are already stagnant, some members have utilized those conditions to develop meditative habits to relieve stress. Some have used social media to stay connected with family and loved ones while maintaining the habits of social distancing, helping to reduce the mental strains of new living conditions caused directly and remotely by the virus. These responses show the power of self-care in the community.
