This T-shirt was created for the members of the congregation to wear on the day that they held their first service in a new building they had constructed for themselves. The congregation gathered at the rented building located at 1425 W. Mequon Road and walked together, wearing these shirts, to their new church at 13800 N. Port Washington Road (both in Mequon, Wisconsin), a distance of about three-and-one-half miles. The event was called "A Moving Experience" and took place on September 13, 1987. Two of these shirts are located in the church archives, held in the basement of the church building.
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- Building
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- Clothing
- Mequon Wisconsin
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- Unitarian Church North
- Unitarian Universalist Association
- Universalist
- Source: Bridget Greuel. "A Moving Experience Shirt." Photograph. April 2022. Universalist Church North Archives.
- Creator: Bridget Greuel