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  • Tags: Upper East Side Neighborhood

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  • Newspaper clipping detailing the acquisition of property by the Fourth Church of Christ, Scientist to build another church.

    On April 13, 1921, the final iteration of Fourth Church was gifted the property on the corner of Kenwood Boulevard and Stowell Avenue by the…
  • Historical photograph of the main entrance of the Fourth Church of Christ, Scientist.

    In 1929, the congregation of Fourth Church replaced the bungalow edifice with a larger Georgian Revival style church designed by Charles…
  • Program for the dedication services held at Fourth Church of Christ, Scientist on Sunday, June 29th, 1947.

    Program for the dedication services held at Fourth Church of Christ, Scientist on Sunday, June 29th, 1947 to mark the occasion of the church…
  • Historical photograph of the spire replacement at the Fourth Church of Christ, Scientist.

    In 1977, the spire of the church was struck by lightning, removed, and reconstructed to replicate the original, This photograph shows a…
  • Image of Fourth Church of Christ, Scientist's New Floor Plan.

    In moving from the large location they built on Kenwood Boulevard to a preexisting building on Capitol Drive, Fourth Church had to make…
  • Wood block print image from a book that was produced for the 40th Anniversary of the Chinese Christian Church of Milwaukee.

    A book was produced for the 40th Anniversary of the Chinese Christian Church of Milwaukee. The book holds memories, stories, and photos of…
  • Zuiko Image.jpeg

    An oral history interview with Zuiko Redding, currently resident priest at the Cedar Rapids (IA) Zen Center. Zuiko joined the Milwaukee Zen…
  • Altar.jpg

    This altar was built for the Zen Center in 2019 by Guy Landgraf, a member of the center who is an artisan woodworker based in Wauwatosa. The…
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    Rakusus are sewn according to ancient traditions by adults who have decided to formally commit to Buddhist practice. Entirely hand-sewn,…
  • Bowls 2.jpg

    Ōryōki bowls and utensils laid out and ready to use and full for a meal. At Zen temples and hermitages like the Milwaukee Zen Center,…