Sign Discouraging the Use of Cash
Dublin Core
Sign Discouraging the Use of Cash
Since the pandemic started, this was the first sign I had seen discouraging the use of cash. It's a nice pro-social gesture, and seeing it reminded me to take a break from using paper money. In several countries, cash is now being considered as a possible vector for the spread of the coronavirus. That this sign was posted at Bliffert's seemed fitting since I regard the place as basically a community institution, rather than simply as a store. It's a neighborly place, where someone will take the time to coach you through a DIY project. I had to do a separate errand on the same day at a nearby big-box hardware store - no such signage or similar precautions visible yet at Home Depot.
Nan Kim
March 16, 2020
Sign Discouraging the Use of Cash, Nan Kim, 2020