Resolution in Support of UWSS Joint COVID-19 Letter

Dublin Core


Resolution in Support of UWSS Joint COVID-19 Letter


This document is a resolution passed by the UWM Student Association in November 2020, agreeing to have the UWMSA sign on to a joint letter from University of Wisconsin System student leadership to Wisconsin state government leaders, urging more decisive action to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. The text of the letter in question can be seen in the related document “Joint System Student COVID Letter”. As indicated in the document, UWMSA member Clarence Kinnard was instrumental in bringing this resolution to be signed by UWMSA as a whole.


Ben Schultz


November 22, 2020


UWM Student Association


Resolution in Support of UWSS Joint COVID-19 Letter.pdf


Ben Schultz, Resolution in Support of UWSS Joint COVID-19 Letter, November 22, 2020