Masks Up Milwaukee
Dublin Core
Masks Up Milwaukee
This is another item that was shared on the Miramar Theatre's Facebook encouraging everyone to mask up and stay safe by using a little bit of humor and some photoshopping skills. This post is notable due to the fact that every local music venue had to close it's doors for most of 2020 which meant that live performances were non-existent. The Miramar Theatre shared this in hopes that wearing a mask would decrease the spread of COVID thus allowing music venues to reopen if things got better. Obviously the pandemic was still in full swing in July of 2020 and wouldn't show any signs of calming down until the vaccine was introduced in the beginning of 2021. This post is also notable due to the fact that the Miramar had shared this just before they shared the post encouraging people to support local music venues.
The Miramar Theatre
July 16, 2020
David Zeh
Social Media Post Item Type Metadata
The Miramar Theatre, Masks Up Milwaukee, July 16, 2020