Zed Kenzo (they/them)
Dublin Core
Zed Kenzo (they/them)
From the artist: “Framed is Zed Kenzo in a cell phone video call with their best friend and artistic contemporary, Anika Kowalik. Kenzo is a Milwaukee rapper, singer, producer, and activist. Their work incites us to cackle at authority and your expectations. Kenzo led the 2020 Black is Beautiful Bike March series emphasizing mobility justice when biking while POC. In these murals we underscore the impact of COVID-19 on everyday life and our collective response.”
This piece is one in a series that seeks not only to normalize mask-wearing, but also to enjoy the presence of someone while not being together physically. As the subject of this piece, Kenzo is representative of a leader in the community. As the two black artists are communicating, the viewer may notice the sense of support the two have for one another, emblematic of the larger inner support within the whole black community. The artist’s use of the smartphone as a frame while on a video chat elicits within the viewer a sense of togetherness, but only to a point. It is that limitation that conjures feelings of isolation along with faint hopefulness in the COVID era.
This piece is one in a series that seeks not only to normalize mask-wearing, but also to enjoy the presence of someone while not being together physically. As the subject of this piece, Kenzo is representative of a leader in the community. As the two black artists are communicating, the viewer may notice the sense of support the two have for one another, emblematic of the larger inner support within the whole black community. The artist’s use of the smartphone as a frame while on a video chat elicits within the viewer a sense of togetherness, but only to a point. It is that limitation that conjures feelings of isolation along with faint hopefulness in the COVID era.
Ariana Vaeth
Creative Health Collective
Zac Dickhut
Still Image Item Type Metadata
Original Format
Painting, Mural
Zed Kenzo (they/them), Ariana Vaeth, Creative Health Collective, 2020