Browse Items (5 total)

Now Showing


Now Showing, Derek Johnson, 2020

The "now showing" board of a local movie theater after it was forced to close down during COVID-19.

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Theater, Derek Johnson, 2020

Marcus Theater's parking lot is completely empty after they were forced to close down during COVID-19

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Birthday in Quarantine

birthday in quarantine.jpg

Birthday in Quarantine, Maya Lusis, 2020

In a town just outside of Milwaukee, a group of people met at a park and parked their cars 6 feet apart to have a "social distancing" birthday party…

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Spreading the Love


Spreading the Love, Maya Lusis, 2020

In light of the current global pandemic, my mother and I decorated our front window with colorful little hearts. Together, we individually cut out…

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Family from Afar


Family from Afar, Maya Lusis, 2020

In the suburban city of New Berlin, just outside of Milwaukee, grandparents surprised their grandchildren by paying them a visit from afar. They set…

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