Browse Items (890 total)
Eighth Graders
Eighth Graders, Amanda Seligman, 2020
The Glendale-River Hills School District Foundation delivered yard signs to members of the graduating 8th grade classes, which will be dispersing to…
Tags: Education--K12, Glendale WI, Graduation, Photograph, Sign
Free lunch
Free lunch, Amanda Seligman, 2020
The Glendale-River Hills School District decided to make free lunch available for all children under 18 who live in the district regardless of whether…
Tags: Community, Glen Hills Middle School, Glendale WI, Health & Wellness, Photograph, Social Class
Thank You COVID-19 Warriors
Thank You COVID-19 Warriors, Amanda Seligman, 2020
A yard sign in Glendale reads "Thank you COVID 19 Warriors."
Tags: Photograph, Sign, Thank You
Social Distancing Cars
Social Distancing Cars, Amanda Seligman, 2020
With most of the shops at the strip mall in Fox Point closed, there are many parking spaces available outside the CVS. The drivers of these cars seem…
Tags: Fox Point WI, Parking Lot, Photograph, Social Distance, Transportation
Toilet Paper
Toilet Paper, Amanda Seligman, 2020
Toilet paper returns to the Pick N Save in Glendale
Tags: Business, Glendale WI, Grocery Store, Item Shortage, Photograph, Pick 'n Save
Happy Birthday Jen
Happy Birthday Jen, Amanda Seligman, 2020
A benefactor celebrates Jen's 40th birthday with greetings on her lawn. The hearts in the window were from a neighborhood scavenger hunt shortly after…
Tags: Birthday, Celebration, Photograph, Sign
Marquette High School graduates
Marquette High School graduates, Amanda Seligman, 2020
Marquette High School honors one of its graduates with a lawn sign
Tags: Graduation, Marquette High School, Merrill Park Neighborhood, Photograph, Sign
Toilet paper
Toilet paper, Amanda Seligman, 2020
A local business advertising that it has toilet paper and paper towels, which people started hoarding when the lockdown began.
Tags: Business, Item Shortage, Sign, Transportation
Curbside pickup
Curbside pickup, Amanda Seligman, 2020
My teenager was thrilled that the public library has instituted curbside pickup and ordered more than a dozen books. The system that they set up…