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Ascension Healthcare, Moderna, Vaccine FAQs

vaccine faqs.pdf

Ascension Healthcare, Moderna, Vaccine FAQs, December 2020

With the introduction of a new type of vaccine (mRNA) to combat the COVID-19 virus, many had questions about the safety and effectiveness of this new…

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Ascension Healthcare, COVID Vaccine Info

info for associeates about covid 19 vaccine.pdf

Ascension Healthcare, COVID Vaccine Info, December 2, 2020

In December 2020, both Pfizer and Moderna requested emergency use authorization for their vaccines. The following is an email from Ascension…

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Ascension Healthcare, Staffing Vaccination Sites

staffing for vaccines.pdf

Ascension Healthcare, Staffing Vaccination Sites, December 22, 2020

As the vaccine rollout began, Ascension Healthcare rapidly expanded its number of clinics. The following is an urgent staffing request for both…

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Ascension Healthcare, Associate and Visitor Screening


Ascension Healthcare, Associate and Visitor Screening, November 11, 2020

With the spread of COVID-19 and its surrounding uncertainty, Ascension Healthcare, like many hospital networks began introducing health screening…

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Ascension Healthcare, Ascension WI Administers COVID-19 Vaccine to Appleton Front-line Workers

press release.pdf

Ascension Healthcare, Ascension WI Administers COVID-19 Vaccine to Appleton Front-line Workers, December 17, 2020

In preparation for a broader launch of associate vaccine clinics, Ascension Wisconsin administered its first doses of the vaccine to frontline medical…

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