Browse Items (65 total)

Kerry Larsen-Berryhill, Make Room for Vaccine Patients

parking reminder.pdf

Kerry Larsen-Berryhill, Make Room for Vaccine Patients, January 25, 2021

As Ascension began ramping up for members of the general population to get the vaccine, preparations had to be made to accommodate large numbers of…

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Kimberly Gibson, Racine Community Parade for Healthcare Workers


Kimberly Gibson, Racine Community Parade for Healthcare Workers, April 3, 2020

As way to show thanks to the healthcare workers in Racine, the community drove to the Ascension Hospital and created a parade of sorts.

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Hospital Approval Cards


Hospital Approval Cards, Laura Westphal, 2020

These cards were given to you after passing the Covid-19 screening. You had, and still have, to have the card to get into St. Luke's Hospital in order…

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Lisa Benson, Chief Medical Officer Ascension Wisconsin, Ascension Employee Testing

employee testing.pdf

Lisa Benson, Chief Medical Officer Ascension Wisconsin, Ascension Employee Testing, October 29, 2020

With COVID cases rises, this email from the Chief Medical Officer of Ascension Wisconsin details new testing procedures for hospital staff.

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Mack Bates Struggling with the Coronavirus


Mack Bates Struggling with the Coronavirus, Mack Bates, 2020

Mack Bates struggles to overcome the coronavirus at Ascension Columbia-St.Mary's Hospital in Milwaukee.

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Madelyn Tabor, Oral History with Scott Jenquin, X-Ray Tech

Madelyn Tabor, Oral History with Scott Jenquin, X-Ray Tech, May 3, 2020

This interview between Scott Jenquin and Madelyn Tabor explores Jenquin's experience as an X-Ray tech in Milwaukee, WI.

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Madison Medical, Madison Medical Employee Communication


Madison Medical, Madison Medical Employee Communication, April 22, 2021

Last call from Madison Medical for vaccine clinic

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Madison Medical, Madison Medical Affliates Newsletter


Madison Medical, Madison Medical Affliates Newsletter, March 2021

An employee newsletter from Madison Medical Affiliates containing news and reflections pertaining to the pandemic.

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Madison Medical Affiliates, Getting the Moderna Vaccine

appointment reminders.pdf

Madison Medical Affiliates, Getting the Moderna Vaccine, January 11, 2021

This email was sent to confirm an appointment to receive the second dose of the Moderna mRNA vaccine. Both the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines required…

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Getting Screened at St. Luke's COVID station

A nurse checking an individuals temperature with a handheld infrared thermometer at the COVID screening station at a St. Luke's entrance. .

Getting Screened at St. Luke's COVID station, Michael Reno, 2021

One of the most notable change that the pandemic has brought about for patients seeing healthcare professionals at St. Luke’s for treatment, as well…

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