Getting Screened at St. Luke's COVID station

Dublin Core


Getting Screened at St. Luke's COVID station


One of the most notable change that the pandemic has brought about for patients seeing healthcare professionals at St. Luke’s for treatment, as well as for those same healthcare workers getting to their jobs, is the addition of stations like these at all main entrances of the hospital. At the station, the nurses manning the tables will take your temperature as well as ask you a few Covid screening questions to ensure that you are safe to enter the hospital. They have new masks available if your current one is breaking down or is not sufficient to meet their standards. Once you have answered the questions, they will give you a card with the Aurora logo and the words “APPROVED” on it to show that you have been checked at the screening booth at the hospital entrances. This check in station effected my navigation, and I assume other patients as well through having to stop and go through the process. If I was running late for my appointment and there was a line ahead of me at this station that would flat-out ruin my appointment.


Michael Reno


April 12th, 2021


A nurse checking an individuals temperature with a handheld infrared thermometer at the COVID screening station at a St. Luke's entrance. .


Getting Screened at St. Luke's COVID station, Michael Reno, 2021