
Thank You Delivery Drivers

Thank You Delivery Drivers!

While the COVID-19 pandemic has amplified the work healthcare professionals practice, it has also changed the way the public talks about them. Where they were once workers, healthcare workers are now heroes. From posts of gratitude on social media to signs in windows saying “Thank You,” the public has taken this time of crisis to thank healthcare workers. Sanitary workers, CNAs, Nurses, Doctors, Technicians, etc. are putting their lives at risk every day in the name of the health and safe of the people. We, the public, need to show this gratitude, not only during a pandemic, but at all times. People who are “Essential Workers” are working every day to maintain the health and safety of the public. We hope the visitors of our exhibit reflect on what it means to be an Essential Worker, and to recognize the life-saving work healthcare professionals practice.
