Veronica Belling
Veronica Belling is a librarian, bibliographer, translator, and historian. She holds a diploma in librarianship from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, an MA in Jewish civilization, and PhD in historical studies from the University of Cape Town. She is also a graduate of the Weinreich Yiddish Summer Program. For thirty-one years, she worked as the Jewish Studies Librarian at the University of Cape Town Libraries and the Kaplan Centre for Jewish Studies and Research, University of Cape Town. She is currently an Honorary Research Associate attached to the Kaplan Centre. Her publications include Bibliography of South African Jewry (1997) and The History of Yiddish Theatre in South Africa (2008), translations from the Yiddish of Leibl Feldman’s The Jews of Johannesburg Until Union, 31 May 1910 (2007), and Yakov Azriel Davidson, His Writings in the Yiddish Newspaper, Der Afrikaner, 1911-1912 (2009), as well as many other scholarly articles. Most recently, her work has focused on the experiences of South African Jewish women during the migration years, the subject of her dissertation.