Oral History Interview with Joseph Ashley

Dublin Core


Oral History Interview with Joseph Ashley


This oral history was conducted with Joseph Ashley, an Environmental Services supervisor at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. The interview took place via Microsoft Teams while Mr. Ashley was in his office at work. During the interview, Mr. Ashley discusses his overall experience with COVID-19 and his daily routine while he’s at work. He describes, even with taking elevated precautions, being infected with the COVID-19 virus and the amount of care needed to recover. Mr. Ashley states, “I was being tested all the time and I never thought I would have gotten it. And just bam, I just [got it].” He discusses his interest in protecting his custodial staff and his willingness to clean infected spaces to keep his staff as safe as possible. He states, “When I get these rooms that need sanitizing, I would much prefer to do them myself instead of sending my custodian to do them. That way I would be at a greater risk, I would rather myself be at a greater risk than [them]. I try to take care of everything basically myself.” Mr. Ashley discusses the lack of silver linings during COVID-19 and how he’s looking forward to hugging his mom and five sisters once its safe to do so. Mr. Ashley’s experience represents why environmental service professionals should be identified in all essential workers conversations.


Larry Kilmer


April 27, 2021


Oral History



Larry Kilmer, Oral History Interview with Joseph Ashley, April 27, 2021