UWM Environmental Services Supervisor

Dublin Core


UWM Environmental Services Supervisor


This is an image of a UWM Environmental Services supervisor in his office. He is responsible for overseeing cleaning operations of four buildings on the main UWM campus as well as multiple buildings off-campus. Much of his day is spent in his office in meetings and ensuring there is enough cleaning coverage when staff are out sick, on vacation, or managing COVID-19 related issues at home. He eats his lunch in his office and does what he can to limit physical interaction during his workday. When a potential COVID-19 case has been reported in a space he oversees he will use a special sprayer and cleaner, allowing his custodial staff to remain at a safe distance from the infected area. His office is the only space he feels comfortable taking off his mask from the time he leaves his car in the morning until the time he returns at night.


Larry Kilmer


April 26, 2021




Photograph of a UWM Environmental Services Supervisor


Larry Kilmer, UWM Environmental Services Supervisor, April 26, 2021