Weekly Environmental Services Supervisor Meeting

Dublin Core


Weekly Environmental Services Supervisor Meeting


This is a screenshot from a UWM Environmental Services supervisor meeting held on April 23, 2021. The meeting is held weekly and generally run by the Environmental Services Superintendent. The meeting allows supervisors from multiple shifts to coordinate efforts to ensure campus buildings are maintained to high standards. The weekly meeting moved to Microsoft Teams due to the COVID-19 pandemic and now allows for an efficient opportunity to discuss COVID-19 cleaning protocols and time sensitive issues. Also, due to COVID-19 quarantine protocols, Environmental Service teams might be short-staffed on short notice due to direct exposure to COIVD-19 or due to exposure by a family member. Staff shortages place additional burdens on in-person Environmental Service staff that need to still ensure buildings are cleaned on time for classes and for office related duties. This weekly meeting helps ensure different shifts and different sections can efficiently cover for each other when necessary. During this meeting it was recognized that a major component of keeping UWM facilities clean and safe is for building users adhere to the request that the users clean frequently touched surfaces before and after their use and that employees disinfect their personal spaces daily.


Larry Kilmer


April 23, 2021




A screenshot of a virtual weekly environmental services supervisor meeting.


Larry Kilmer, Weekly Environmental Services Supervisor Meeting, April 23, 2021