Covid 19 One Year Anniversary

Dublin Core


Covid 19 One Year Anniversary


This email was sent by the CEO of the company I work for . I work for a nonprofit organization that assist with food share , healthcare, training, employment, and job development. When the pandemic hit our company got hit hard with the number of people applying for foodshare, healthcare and the decline in employment. The pandemic caused families to lose their jobs and some people lost their homes. Many families had to stay home to home school their children and work remotely Forward Service Corporation is one of the organizations who assists with contracts and distributes food share around Wisconsin. Forward Service was able to help a lot of families with employment and rental assistance during the pandemic. Our CEO sent us this email to remind us that it has been a whole year since we have overcame this challenge and let us know that she appreciates us getting through this nightmare together.


Jasmine Smith


March 2021


Jasmine Smith




Jasmine Smith, Covid 19 One Year Anniversary, March 2021