Oral History Interview Paul E. Bland
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Oral History Interview Paul E. Bland
This contribution is an Oral History interview between myself (Keziah Kzee M. Bland) and my father Reverend Paul E. Bland. This interview was conducted over a Zoom call May 16, 2020. This interview covers several topics, essential workers, quarantine, exposure to COVID-19, PPE Personal Protective Equipment, Homelessness, Addiction, Safer at Home Order, church, life after COVID-19, and Milwaukee. Reverend Bland talks about his life as an essential worker working at the Milwaukee Rescue Mission, caring for homeless men in the Milwaukee area, caring for those with COVID-19, exposure to the virus, and how it has changed his career, and the impacts it may have in the future. Reverend Bland also talks about his Christian gathering "Oikos" and how the COVID-19 crisis has affected himself and some of his peers, what are some of the implications for the future of Religious gatherings. Disclaimer this video contains the thoughts and opinions of the interviewee and are not representative of the Milwaukee Rescue Mission, The University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, or any other entity.
Keziah (Kzee) M. Bland
May 16, 2020
Oral History Item Type Metadata
Keziah Bland
Paul Bland
Keziah (Kzee) M. Bland, Oral History Interview Paul E. Bland, May 16, 2020