CRC Email, March 20th, 2020.

Dublin Core


CRC Email, March 20th, 2020.


The email sent out by CRC to its congregants announcing remote services: Email from CRC. March 20th, 2020 Brothers & sisters, This Sunday we will hold our normal 9.30a service in a not-normal way: via the video-conference service Zoom. The plan is simple: Around 9.20-25a, join the Zoom meeting by following the instructions below my signature. Beginning at 9.30a, Chris & I will lead the liturgy live from studio CRC. Using the liturgy attached to this note, follow along at home. For parents of small children, tomorrow Kelli will send out an email with links to pre-recorded videos of lessons that she put together this week. That's it. The liturgy is pretty much the same as always, the big difference being that instead of the Supper we will pray together the Great Litany. A pastor will call, and you will respond. A reader will read, and you will say: "But the Word of our God stands forever." Pastor Chris will preach the Word. And so on. We will even sing! In fact, singing just might be the most powerful thing we do (see 2 Chronicles 20, esp. vv. 21-23). In the midst of this global crisis, we continue to turn to the Lord our God: the Father who set his love upon us and chose us; the Son who redeemed us by his blood; the Spirit who is Lord & Giver of life. This God of the covenant is our Rock, Fortress, Deliverer, Refuge, Shield, Horn of salvation, and Stronghold (Ps. 18:2). When we call upon Him - that is, when we praise and bless his Name - we are saved from our enemies (v. 3). Please join us this Sunday, so that together we can tell him: "I love You, O LORD, my Strength" (v. 1). Yes, and: "Arise, O LORD, and let your enemies be scattered, and let those who hate you flee before you" (Num 10:35). But best of all, so that together we can hear Him tell us: "I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you" (Jer 31:3). Grace & peace in Christ, who died for us and conquered Death, Pastor Phil [Anderas]


Adam Petersen


March 20, 2020


Email from CRC-3:20:2020.pdf


Adam Petersen, CRC Email, March 20th, 2020., March 20, 2020