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WISN 12, WISN 12 on Chance the Rapper Donation

Screen Shot 2020-05-14 at 5.55.11 PM.png

WISN 12, WISN 12 on Chance the Rapper Donation

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Ifedayo Kehinde, Masks and Selfies

Taking selfies with a face mask

Ifedayo Kehinde, Masks and Selfies, Ifedayo Kehinde, August 14,2020

This item is a social media post I tweeted at the Union Station in Chicago. Having masks with you always became like having an ID card or passport;…

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Fox 6 News, Fox 6 Reporting on Chance the Rapper Teacher Donations

Fox 6 News, Fox 6 Reporting on Chance the Rapper Teacher Donations

Chance the Rapper announced his Twilight Awards to donate money to teachers around the country. Milwaukee school teacher, Margaret Roushar, was…

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Chance the Rapper, Chance the Rapper's Twlight Awards

Chance the Rapper, Chance the Rapper's Twlight Awards

Chance the Rapper announced on Instagram that in honor of Teacher Appreciation Week he would be awarding select teachers to win prizes.

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