Browse Items (65 total)

Jon Lovett, Face Masks


Jon Lovett, Face Masks, April 13, 2020

Jon Lovett is one of the founders of a company called Crooked Media. While this company focuses primarily on podcast about politics they also have an…

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Children's Wisconsin, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, #HealthCareHeroes


Children's Wisconsin, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, #HealthCareHeroes, April 2, 2020

The Children's Hospital of Wisconsin shared a photo of their health care staff holding a sign that says, "We Stay Here for You, Please Stay Home for…

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"Thank You" Card to Health Care Workers


"Thank You" Card to Health Care Workers, Olivia Hoff, 2020

Pictured is a "Thank You" card to healthcare workers. My mom and I decided that we wanted to thank our friends and family in the healthcare field…

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Making Masks


Making Masks, John Harry, 2020

In preparation of leaving the house for the first time since the CDC’s mask wearing recommendation, my wife Rikki is sewing us masks out of old pillow…

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Literature Distributed to Healthcare Workers


Literature Distributed to Healthcare Workers, Ascension Wisconsin

, 2020

Everyone that worked at Ascension St. Francis Hospital in Milwaukee had to take an online class about how to put on and take off PPE (personal…

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