C.L. Sholes's Residence at 1679 N. Humboldt Ave. (833 Racine)
- Title
- C.L. Sholes's Residence at 1679 N. Humboldt Ave. (833 Racine)
- Description
- According to the Milwaukee city directories, Christopher Latham Sholes lived at this address from 1882 to 1889, the year before his death. The house he lived in has been replaced by more recently constructed apartment buildings on the same lot.
- Date Created
- 2024-05-14
- Coordinates (Decimal Format)
- 43.05249801571049, -87.89837091576554
- Location (Addresses)
City Directory Location: 833 Racine
New Address: 1679 N. Humboldt Ave. - Creator
- Rachel Zembrowski
- Site pages