C.L. Sholes's Residence at 1508 N. Astor (736 Astor) in 1880
- Title
- C.L. Sholes's Residence at 1508 N. Astor (736 Astor) in 1880
- Description
- Christopher Latham Sholes's 1880 residence as listed in 1880 Milwaukee City Directory. The current structure on the lot is a recently constructed apartment building. Sholes lived in a single family residence facing N. Astor St.
- Date Created
- 2024-05-14
- Coordinates (Decimal Format)
- 43.04947227367296, -87.8994787500474
- Location (Addresses)
City Directory Location: 736 Astor
New Address: NW Corner of N. Astor St. and E. Lyon St,.
- Creator
- Rachel Zembrowski
- Site pages