Special Collections consists primarily of rare and special printed materials that hold long-term, historical research potential for UWM academic programs. The collections support a broad range of research and teaching activities in the arts, humanities, and social sciences. These digital exhibits and collections provide a glimpse into, and context for, our holdings.
Featured Exhibit
Angels and Handmaidens: Beyond Nurse Stereotypes

This exhibition features items from the UWM History of American Nursing Collection. The collection focuses on primary printed sources that document the rise and development of American nursing issues, practice, and education from the mid-nineteenth century through the mid-twentieth century. The collection also features a number of works that feature nurses and nursing as subjects of popular culture such as children’s career-fiction series, biographies and memoirs of nurses, and a...
Featured Collection
Featured Item
The Trek

"This is the twenty-first limited edition book to come from the Red Door Studio in a series created and developed by Danny." -- Colophon.