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  • Tags: Riverwest Neighborhood

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  • 1966 design plan from the Brust & Brust architecture firm to move the altar forward in the convent's chapel to abide by Vatican II requirements.

    1966 design plan from the Brust & Brust architecture firm to move the altar forward in the convent's chapel to abide by Vatican II…
  • Interviews with parishioners Alice Leszczynski and Donna Fletcher as they reflect on the meaning of the Our Lady of Divine Providence Parish festival. Includes the 2018 parish festival.

    Interviews with parishioners Alice Leszczynski and Donna Fletcher as they reflect on the meaning of the Our Lady of Divine Providence Parish…
  • St. Casimir's Parish Silver Jubilee Album cover.

    Titled in Polish, "Commemorative Album for the Occasion of the Silver Jubilee of St. Casimir's Parish in Milwaukee, Wis.," the 1919 Silver…
  • Three Polish-American murals from the St. Casimir school gymnasium.

    The three murals (Jan Kiliński, Father Ageidius Tarasiewicz, and General George Washington) were among eight originally located on the third…
  • Book cover for St. Casimir's 1984 festival.

    This festival book cover of 1984 festival held July 29th -31st. Activities included a corn roast, chicken dinner, beer tent, music, bingo,…
  • Photograph of the Riverwest Food Pantry St. Casimir Site.

    This photograph depicts the St. Casimir site of the Riverwest Food Pantry, located at the former St. Casimir School. While originally…