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  • Tags: Judaism

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  • Binding agreement certificate for the merge of the Emanu-El and B'ne Jeshurun congregations in 1927. Page one.

    This certificate was a binding agreement for the merge of two congregations, Emanu-El and B'ne Jeshurun. The consolidation occurred in…
  • Photograph of the Synagogue on Kenwood.

    Built in 1923, this synagogue was erected for Emanu-El, but later was the site of the newly combined congregation when the merge occurred in…
  • Historical portrait of Rabbi Samuel Hirshberg.

    Rabbi Samuel Hirshberg was head Rabbi at Congregation Emanu-El from 1904 to 1927. When Emanu-El joined with B'ne Jeshurun, he continued as…
  • Historical photograph of the first synagogue for Congregation B'ne Jeshurun.

    Built in 1859, this synagogue was erected on 5th Street in Milwaukee as the first meeting place for congregants of B'ne Jeshurun.
  • An audio recording of a service at Congregation Emanuel B'nai Jeshurun.

    The Congregation supplied a recording of a Friday evening Shabbat service for this project. This audio clip has been edited to provide an…