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We have 15 items to explore.

  • Tags: Service

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  • An audio recording of a service at Congregation Emanuel B'nai Jeshurun.

    The Congregation supplied a recording of a Friday evening Shabbat service for this project. This audio clip has been edited to provide an…
  • Photograph of the Plymouth Church sign.

    An interview with Donna Kummer, Plymouth Church Music Director and Volunteer Coordinator, interspersed with selections of music from a…
  • Audio of oral history and field recording of CCCM.

    The following four clips are in this order: an edited short version of the oral history and field recording combined, an oral history from…
  • CCCM 40th Anniversary Church Bulletin. Page one.

    This is the bulletin for the 40th Anniversary Service for the Chinese Christian Church of Milwaukee. They held a special Thanksgiving…
  • Recording of a labyrinth service with interviewees Ashanti Cook and Margarete Keehn.

    Recording of a labyrinth service with interviewees Ashanti Cook and Margarete Keehn talking about the labyrinth and church.
    If you want to…