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  • Tags: Interview

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  • Modern photograph of the main mediation room at the Shambhala Center.

    Pictured here is the main mediation room at the Shambhala Center, which has dividers covering the space which displays a picture of Sakyong…
  • Interviews with Frank D'Amato and Tony Zingale spliced together with audio of Pompeii Park in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

    Edited sound files of interviews with Frank D'Amato and Tony Zingale spliced together with audio of Pompeii Park in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
  • Segments of an oral history with Michael Morgen, Epikos' Worship Pastor, and the worship band's practice, recorded May 2018.

    Segments of an oral history with Michael Morgen, Epikos' Worship Pastor, and the worship band's practice, recorded May 14 and 17, 2018,…
  • Interviews with parishioners Alice Leszczynski and Donna Fletcher as they reflect on the meaning of the Our Lady of Divine Providence Parish festival. Includes the 2018 parish festival.

    Interviews with parishioners Alice Leszczynski and Donna Fletcher as they reflect on the meaning of the Our Lady of Divine Providence Parish…
  • Photograph of the Plymouth Church sign.

    An interview with Donna Kummer, Plymouth Church Music Director and Volunteer Coordinator, interspersed with selections of music from a…
  • Audio of oral history and field recording of CCCM.

    The following four clips are in this order: an edited short version of the oral history and field recording combined, an oral history from…
  • Recording of a labyrinth service with interviewees Ashanti Cook and Margarete Keehn.

    Recording of a labyrinth service with interviewees Ashanti Cook and Margarete Keehn talking about the labyrinth and church.
    If you want to…