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We have 15 items to explore.

  • Tags: Conservative Judaism

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  • Newspaper article depicting the history of Congregation Beth El Ner Tamid's and the growing conservative movement.

    This item, a newspaper article from 1956, both depicts Congregation Beth El Ner Tamid's own history, and reflects the growing conservative…
  • Flier from Beth El Ner Tamid's first annual music festival, 1957.

    This item is the flyer from Beth El Ner Tamid's first annual music festival. The first of many musical concerts hosted by the congregation…
  • Photograph of the sanctuary (open) at Beth El's Mequon location. This houses the Torah's when not in use.

    The Torah is the most sacred item in the Judaic faith. Pictured here is the sanctuary at Beth El's Mequon location, which housed the Torah's…
  • Newspaper article describing the inclusion of women in Judaic religious practice.

    This item newspaper article from 1998 describes the inclusion of women in Judaic religious practice through a more active role in ceremony…
  • Pamphlet created by the Beth El Ner Tamid congregation to inform the community about their move.

    The above item is a pamphlet created by the congregation to inform the community about their upcoming move to their new Mequon Synagogue.