CLACS Media Collection

Catalog Information

Maria, Don Justo, and Roberto are traveling to San Julian. Maria seeks fame, Roberto foresees love, and Do Justo looks for redemption. Nevertheless, getting to San Julian is no small task. Although they began their journeys seperately, they each encounter detours along the way as their stories and dreams crisscross in a seemingly free-form pattern at the most remote, deserted stopping points.
Call Number: FFARGI8DVD
Original Title: Historias Minimas
English Title: Intimate Stories
Media URL:
Country: Argentina
Subject/Theme: Feature Films
Additional Subject/Theme:
Director(FF): Carlos Sorin
Year: 2002
Distributor: Amazon
Media Type: DVD
Language: Spanish w. subtitles
Time: 94 minutes
Age Level:
Public Performance Rights: 0
Rating: NR


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