CLACS Media Collection

Catalog Information

A compilation of eight films by Cuban director Santiago Alvarez. In a film career that began with the triump of the Cuban Revolution in 1959 and continued until his death in 1998 at the age of 79, Alvarez created nearly 700 films. Disc 1 includes NOW ,Cerro Pelado, Hanoi Martes 13, Hasta la Victoria Siempre, L.B.J. ,79 Primaveras, El Sueno del Pongo, and El Tigre Salto y Mato.Morira.Morira.Disc 2 has a special photo gallery, abbreviated filmography, and Accelerated Under-Development.
Original Title: He Who Hits First, Hits Twice: The Urgent Cinema of Santiago Alvarez
English Title: He Who Hits First, Hits Twice: The Urgent Cinema of Santiago Alvarez
Media URL:
Country: Cuba
Subject/Theme: Art/Folk Arts
Additional Subject/Theme:
Director(FF): Santiago Alvarez
Year: 2006
Media Type: DVD
Language: Spanish w. subtitles
Age Level: High School and above
Public Performance Rights:
Rating: NR


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