CLACS Media Collection

Catalog Information

This powerful documentary is simply a series of interviews with a fascinating array of Cuban intellectuals an homosexuals who have been persecuted under the Castro regime. The directors are themselves exiles, and they have created a convincing indictment of El Jefe, implicating also those who would turn a blind eye towards repression from the left.
Original Title: Mauvaise Conduite
English Title: Improper Conduct
Media URL:
Country: Cuba
Subject/Theme: Political/Social Issues (Contemporary)
Additional Subject/Theme:
Director(FF): Nestor Almendros & Orlando Jimenez Leal
Year: 1984
Distributor: Facets
Media Type: DVD
Language: Spanish w. subtitles
Time: 110 minutes
Age Level:
Public Performance Rights: 0
Rating: N/R


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