CLACS Media Collection

Catalog Information

January 22, 1932. An unprecedented peasant uprising erupts in western El Salvador. Retribution is swift. Afte three days, the army and militias move in and, in some villages, slaughter all males over age 12. Elsewhere, they summarily execute anyone suspected of having a link to the Communists. Over the next few weeks, 10,000 people are massacred. In Scars of Memory survivors share their memories, many for the first time.
Original Title: Cicatriz De La Memoria
English Title: Scars of Memory: 1932
Media URL:
Country: El Salvador
Subject/Theme: Political/Social Issues (Contemporary)
Additional Subject/Theme:
Director(FF): Jeffrey Gould and Carlos Henriquez Consalvi
Year: 2002
Distributor: First Run/Icarus Films
Media Type: DVD
Language: Spanish w. subtitles
Time: 53 minutes
Age Level:
Public Performance Rights: 0
Rating: NR


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