CLACS Media Collection

Catalog Information

A rare view of what day-to-day life is like for the gay and drag community in modern Cuba. This award winnin documentary is the first since the 1959 revolution to examine the issues the LGBTq+ community faces in the context of evolving attitudes towards homosexuality in Cuba, where people are judged first on what they achieve for their country. It is a highly unusual look at how a group of working class drag queens in a small town have become an integral part of their neighborhood.
Original Title: Mariposas en el Andamio
English Title: Butterflies on the Scaffold
Media URL:
Country: Cuba
Subject/Theme: Political/Social Issues (Contemporary)
Additional Subject/Theme:
Director(FF): Margaret Gilpin
Year: 1995
Distributor: Center for Cuban Studies
Media Type: DVD
Language: Spanish w. subtitles
Time: 74 minutes
Age Level:
Public Performance Rights: 0


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